About Us

Automotive; is the name of an industrial sector that includes ground, sea, air and space vehicles. However, the term of automotive is used more often for ground vehicles which are automobiles, busses, lorries, trucks, heavy duty machinery, farm machinery, motorcycles, rail vehicles and military purpose vehicles. Institutions producing vehicle and vehicle components, institutions dealing with the sale and after-sale services of vehicle and vehicle components are named as automotive sector.

Vehicles are formed of some mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic and thermodynamic modulus. One of the most important modulus of a vehicle is the power source. For the current situation most commonly the internal combustion engines are used as the power source however, there are specific vehicles driven by electrical motors as well.

The aim of the automotive engineering program is to provide qualified manpower for automotive sector to work in design, production, testing, approving, selling and after-sale services of vehicles. Automotive engineering program is an interdisciplinary program composed of mechanical, electrical, electronic, material, metallurgy and chemical engineering.


Departmen Facilities

In Gazi University Automotive engineering department, the education has been initiated in 2010 and  gave graduation in 2014. From the quality point of view, the department is one of the most powerful automotive engineering programs in Turkey. In the department there are 9 professors and 4 assistance professors as academic staff. Beside these, there are 6 research assistances and 2 specialists.

Some of the engineering courses taking part in the curriculum are taught theoretically while the others are being taught practically. The curriculum of the department was prepared regarding the thoughts of industrialists working in automotive sector in Turkey. In the department there are 8 laboratories. Via the practical education carried out in these laboratories, students learn the physical principals of vehicular systems and gain practical experience on the maintenance, preparation, assembly and testing of vehicles and vehicular systems.

One of the 8 terms of education period has been devoted to industrial education. For industrial education students are sent to industrial institutions for a 15 weeks period in 7th or 8th term. For industrial education, 11 protocols have been signed with big companies having adequate production and export capacity. Some of these are MAN (Ankara), TEMSA (Adana), MERCEDES (Aksaray), TOYOTETSU (İzmit), OSCAR (Ankara).To make protocol with more companies, preparations are undergoing.

Most of courses taught in automotive engineering program aim to improve the analyzing and design capability of the student however there are also some social course aiming to improve the knowledge of students on labor and business laws, workshop organization, entrepreneurship and business establishment etc.

Please click here to download the our department brochure.


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